Please download this file to a USB-memory and follow the instructions in the manual to update the boiler.
If your boiler is connected to the internet it is also possible to download and install the update from within the boiler.
The following is a list of the most important changes in each software release.
If your system is running well there is normally no need to upgrade.
However, releases marked CRITICAL fixes bugs that can potential cause stability issues, and it is therefore recommended to at least upgrade to the latest CRITICAL update.
1.3.3 *** CRITICAL ***
- Standard regulation works together with external heater, like heat pump or pellet burner
- Fixed step size for various power limit related parameters
- Improved connection to Varmebaronen log server
- Analog output signals
- Config restore function
- Many more stability updates behind the scenes
- Fix for Real Time Clock Battery Backup. Recommended update if the boiler is not connected to an internet time source.
1.2.0 *** CRITICAL UPDATE ***
- Standard regulation fixed when working as backup to other heater
- Current measurement boards show 0A when no power is enabled
- Modbus handles negative values properly.
- Change to how emailed alerts work to match needed change on server
- General cleanup of texts and fields
- Max absolute overtemp changed from 95 to 105C
1.1.0 *** CRITICAL UPDATE ***
- Fixed bug in log/config handling that could cause freeze up if too many events were requested
- Fixed bug that could cause crash if selecting relative overtemp in DPC mode
- Update page is easier to understand now, without development data
- Fixed timestamps for alerts on home screen
- Update buttons were not always enabled even though updates were available
- Green alerts stopped regulation.
- First official release